


What intrigued us to write an article on the Sigillum Dei (Seal of God or Sigillum Dei vivi, symbol of the living God, called by John Dee the Sigillum Dei Aemath), was after watching on UK tv a programme called "Ghost Chasers" , where on  Series 1 episode 9 - Gelderland, they touched ever so lightly on the Sigillum Dei that was discovered in the castle they were investigating.

I wanted to find out more about it, so since the programme aired on 28th April 2017 we have been researching this artifact and what it actually is and meant to do. Our research also took us to "The Golden Ratio", and how horoscopes are created, they all tie in with each other.


These sigils are placed, one to each arc, counterclockwise around the Sigil of Ameth.

Of these sigils Uriel said: "Those seven letters are the 7 Seats of the One and everlasting GOD.

His 7 secret Angels proceding from every letter and cross so formed:

Referring in substance to the FATHER: in form, to the SON: and inwardly to the HOLY GHOST."

The Sigillum Dei was a middle ages magical diagram, composed of:-

Two circles,

A pentagram, 

Three heptagons,

and is labeled with the name of God and his Angels.

It was an Amulet with the magical function that, according to one of the oldest sources (Liber iuratus), allowed the initiated magician to have power over all creatures except Archangels, but usually only reserved for those who can achieve the blessed vision of God and angels (beafic visionary.

The Enochian Lintel Ritual:

1. First place the kosher salt inside of the empty mason jar.

2. Once the salt is inside the mason jar, place both hands above the salt and recite this prayer, first in Aramaic (the words above), then in English:

“Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes,

who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.

Nethkâdasch schmach
May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.

Têtê malkuthach.
Your Heavenly Domain approaches.

Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d’bwaschmâja af b’arha.
Let Your will come true – in the universe (all that vibrates)
just as on earth (that is material and dense).

Hawvlân lachma d’sûnkanân jaomâna.
Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,

Waschboklân chaubên wachtahên aikâna
daf chnân schwoken l’chaijabên.
Detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma)
like we let go the guilt of others.

Wela tachlân l’nesjuna
Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations),

ela patzân min bischa.
But let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.

Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l’ahlâm almîn.
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act,
the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.

Sealed in trust, faith and truth.
(I confirm with my entire being)

3. Take the blessed salt and sprinkle it over the lintels of your doors, windows, and (if applicable) above your bed.

4. When finished, put the salt in a safe place, along with the prayer you printed out. Every few months, you can sprinkle some extra salt on the lintels but it is only necessary if you begin to feel a shift in energy in your home.

After the ritual is finished, you will notice a sense of cool calming energy in your home, bad dreams will disappear, and peace/order will be restored.

An important side-note: 

1) It is imperative to not discuss the ritual with anyone who is not of understanding.

2) Only explain if asked, do not offer the to pass on the ritual unless someone specifically asks you.

3) Be aware of the intention of others, poor intention spoils pure intention, and consciousness is contagious.

4) It is not your job to awaken others, but it is your job to be awake so that others understand by the light you shine.

Nobody wants a flashlight shone in their face, because the light will blind them…instead use your metaphorical flashlight of understanding to illuminate their path.

Enochian: The Lost Language of the Angels

Dee's system of angelic magic, known as Enochian, is heavily rooted in the number seven, a number which is also strongly connected with the seven traditional planets of astrology. As such, the Sigillum Dei Aemeth is primarily constructed of heptagrams (seven-pointed stars) and heptagons (seven-sided polygons).

In the year 1581, occultists John Dee and Edward Kelley, claimed to have received communications from angels, who provided them with the foundations of a language with which to communicate with ‘the other side’.  This ‘angelic’ language contained its own alphabet, grammar and syntax, which they wrote down in journals. 

The new language was called "Enochian" and comes from John Dee's assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human to know the language.

The heptagon is filled by reading the rows horizontally from left to right, applying one row to each segment of the heptagon, going clockwise. 

The remaining divine and angelic names in the Sigil are all derived, by various means, from the names of the traditional planetary archangels, which are written within and around the pentagram at the center of the Sigil.

Finally, the names of the seven planetary archangels are placed inside the innermost heptagon.

The angel of Saturn, Sabathiel, surrounds the pentagram; the angel of Luna, Levanael, is wholly inside the central pentagon, surrounding the cross of Earth.

The remaining names are applied to the pentagram in cabalistic order, beginning with the angel of Jupiter, Zedekiel, at the top point and going clockwise.

Early modern

One of the oldest surviving manuscripts of the Liber iuratus, dating from the end of the 14th or the beginning of the 15th century, is manuscript No. 313 from the collection of Hans Sloane in the British Museum.

It was partly owned by the mathematician and magical experimenter John Dee, in whose Mysteriorum libri Quinti, or Five books of mystical exercises (1581–1583), the Sigillum Dei played a central role and gained the suffixv Sigillum Dei: Emeth or Aemeth ("Truth").

For John Dee, who received the authoritative description of the seal in 1582 via his medium and employee Edward Kelley, this scholarly and antiquarian interest was ultimately subordinate to the purpose of practical application.

This can be contrasted with Athanasius Kircher, who devoted a detailed explanation to the Sigillum Dei in his Oedipus aegyptiacus, who linked the rejection of magical practice with a scholarly effort to understand the Christian, Jewish, Arab-Muslim and pagan parts and separate them.

How you can use the Sigillum dei

Middle Ages

Liber Juratus

Probably the oldest known description and image of the Sigillum Dei is the 14th Century Liber Juratus (also Liber sacratus, Liber sacer sive Juratus, or Sworn Booke), attributed to Honorius, son of Euclid.

This may have been produced in the late 13th century, but likely not before the time of Pope John XXII. (1316–1334).[3]

The description of the seal in the Liber Juratus begins with the dimensions of the circle surrounding the outside in relation to common symbol figures of the Christian tradition.

Make first a circle whose diameter is three fingers, because of the three cross-nails of the Lord, or five fingers because of the five wounds of Christ, or seven for the seven sacraments, or nine for the nine orders of angels, but usually five fingers will suffice.

Then make a second within this circle, let it be a distance from the first two grains because of the two Tablets of the Law of Moses, or three grains because of the persons of the Trinity.

The so created circular band will be at an apex of a small cross and from this starting point proceed from left to right 72 Latin letters, which vary in tradition (MS Sloane 3853: h, t, o, e, x, o, r, a, b, a, s, la, y, q, c, i, y, s, t, a, l, g, a, a, o, n, o, s, v, l, a, r, y, c, e, k, s, p, f, y, o, m, e, n, e, a, u, a, r, e, l, a, t, e, d, a, t, o, n, o, n, a, o, y, l, e, p, o, t, m, a), the sum forming the Shemhamphorasch, the ineffable name of God ("magnum nomen Domini Semenphoras licterarum 72"), showing a clear link to Jewish tradition.

Next to the circular band is a pentagram, which focuses on a Greek Tau, this is surrounded by the five letters of the name of god "El" and "Ely", and five other pairs of letters (lx, al, a, c, to).

Inside the pentagon, in turn, is a heptagon drawn in such a way that its top side touches the center tip of the pentagram, and the pages of this heptagon should be labeled with the names of seven angels and archangels (Cafziel, Satquiel, Amael, Raphael, Anael, Michael, Gabriel).

From this first heptagon is a second and a third drawing, whose description is hard to understand and has been interpreted differently in the manuscript illustrations, but has usually seven key points with crosses and labelled with two rows of Gods: a first series of seven names of God, each in three syllables or components disassembled and relating spatially with those on the initial and final syllables of the last names of angels and vertices of the figure, namely la-ya- ly (to Cafziel), na-ra-th (to Satquiel), ly-bar-re (to Raphael), ly-ba-res (to Michael), (e) t-ly-alg (to Samael), ve -h-am (to Anael), and y-al-gal (to Gabriel); also in sub-segments seven more: Vos, Duynas, Gyram, Gram, Aysaram, Alpha and Omega, a third series El, On, El, On, Electric, On, Omega; as additions to the registered crosses the four letters a, g, a, l; and finally another group of five names of God Ely, Eloy, Christ, and Sother Adonay.

The color of the seal of the Liber Juratus indicates that the pentagram is usually red, purple with yellow faces, the first heptagon blue, second yellow, the third yellow and the black circles, and also the area between the circles and all other surfaces were to turn green. In magical operations this would be handled differently – instead drawn on virgin parchment with blood of the mole, pigeon, hoopoe, bat or other animals, such as cattle, horses or deer.

Clavicula Salomonis

Different versions of the Sigillum Dei are known from the tradition of the Clavicula Salomonis, specifically from an Italian manuscript in the collection of Heimann Joseph Michael in the Bodleian Library (MS. Michael 276); and John Aubrey in 1674 made a copy, also in the Bodleian Library (MS. Aubrey 24).

The Enochian letters are read from right to left, they have letter forms, letter names and some English equivalents. They are as written from John Dee’s Diary.

The outer ring of the Sigil contains 40 pairs of letters and numbers. All the letters together are known as the greatest name of God.

The numbers sum to 440; Michael completed the presentation of the outer ring by displaying a number "1", surrounded by many concentric circles. Adding this 1 brings the total of the numbers presented to 441, which is the numeration of the word "Ameth", Aleph-Mem-Tav, according to Hebrew gematria.

Seven of the letters are capitalized, indicating the first letters of certain concealed angelic names.

To find the names of these angels, you have to use the numbers connected with each letter.

When the number is above the letter, you have to count that many letters clockwise to find the next letter of the name;

When the number is below the letter, you have to count counterclockwise.

Each name ends when you reach one of the six letters without a number.

Thus, seven names are produced:

Thaaoth    (Mars)
Galaas      (Saturn)
Gethog     (Jupiter)
Horlwn      (Sun)
Innon        (Venus)
Aaoth        (Mercury)
Galethog  (Luna)

The names Thaaoth and Galaas has two consecutive letters a, they have to be turned into one single a. 

When this is done, the seven names comprise forty letters, the same as the number of letters in the outer ring of the Sigil.

Of these seven names the angel Uriel said: "every letter containing an Angel of Brightness: comprehending the 7 inward powers of God, known to none but himself: a sufficient BOND to urge all creatures to life or death, or anything else contained in this world."

Only the last of these names appears overtly in the sigil, in the arcs immediately inside the outer ring.

To each letter of "Galethog", a cross is append to produce a set of sigilic images:

The painting of the three orders of the Angelic Hierarchy in all their glory:

“Assumption of the Virgin”

by Botticini, 1475

An Enochian Ritual to Remove Bad Spirits From Your Home

Necromancy: The art of conjuring the dead and communicating with them, image of John Dee and Edward Kelley.

From Astrology (1806) by Ebenezer Sibly.

Dreamcatchers, the crucifix, sage/smudging, the Jewish Mezuzah…all have one special thread in common.

Each symbol, ritual, and intention is the protection of the home from evil. While each has its own special purpose for the desired result, there is another little known ritual that can help seal your home with the intention of love, and protect from low level vibrations entering your door.

This concept is the Enochian lintel ritual.

Enochian Magic is the idea of summoning positive spirits through intention, and that the tone of intention forms matter into being, so the intention/tone of this ritual should be pure of heart. We can’t stress enough the notion of intention, because this is what achieves the desired result. Just think about the book The Secret, it’s the same concept, just different terminology/application.

If you have found yourself plagued by anxiety, nightmares, worry and discontent…this ritual will help bring more light to your life, and the “demons” that prey on fear will be dissolved.

For this ritual, you will need kosher salt, an empty mason jar, and to print out the text of the words below to recite as a blessing of protection.

Just cut and paste from here into a word document and print.

A Mason jar, named after John Landis Mason who first invented and

patented it in 1858, is a molded glass jar used in home canning to

preserve food.

The jar's mouth has a screw thread on its outer perimeter to accept a metal ring

Green -- The Daughters of Light
Gold -- The Sons of Light
Red -- The Daughters of the Daughters
Blue -- The Sons of the Sons

John Dee’s obsidian mirror (Shew-Stone) used for ‘scrying’ sessions (British Museum)

The letters in the outermost heptagon, just inside the arcs, are derived from the names of the "Seven Angels who stand before the presence of God" listed in Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy.

The names of these angels are written vertically in a seven-by-seven grid; in the final square is placed a cross, representing the Earth,thus:

John Dee, a 16th century occultist and astrologer in the court of Elizabeth I.

While the sigil does appear in older texts of which Dee was probably familiar, he was not happy with them and ultimately gained guidance from angels to construct his version.

Dee's Purpose

Dee inscribed the sigil on circular wax tablets.

He would commune via a medium and a "shew-stone" with the angels, and the tablets were used in preparing the ritual space for such communication.

One tablet was placed upon a table, and the shew-stone upon the tablet.

Four other tablets were placed beneath the legs of the table.

It is documented that Dee and Kelley used certain objects such as a black obsidian mirror (right) and a crystal ball to experience these visions. 

Dee acted as orator, directing prayers to God and the Archangels for 15 minutes to an hour.


Then a scrying stone (shew-stone) was placed on a table, and the angels were called to manifest themselves. 

Dee and Kelly would watch the stone and record everything they saw and heard.

They were told by the angels that the magic would give superhuman powers to its practitioners, change the political structure of Europe, and herald the coming of the Apocalypse. 

Dee believed that what he was doing would be of benefit to posterity and documented the information into a series of manuscripts and workbooks. 

He never described the language used  during the sessions as “Enochian” but preferred to call it “Angelical,” the “Celestial Speech,” the “First Language of God-Christ,” and particularly “Adamical,” because he asserted it was used by Adam in the Garden of Eden to name all of God’s creatures. 

“If you can't explain it to a six-year-old,

you don't understand it yourself.”

Albert Einstein

If You have read our other articles, you will notice what is a clear correlation between the paranormal and Mathematics, and I don't think its just a coincidence.

I have researched, read, and re-read before creating this article and I still don't fully understand how this works.

Hopefully, by writing in my own way it may make sense to someone, perhaps it's you, let us know how you get on.

Perhaps once I have finished the article I will understand it better myself.

The names of the planetary archangels are formed into a 7-by-7 tablet, by writing them diagonally from the upper left corner in standard cabalistic order beginning with the archangel of Saturn.

The final "L" of each name was replaced in the tablet by numbers, usually appended to the preceding letter:

These seven archangelic names,  represent the nine sephiroth as shown in the following table:

Malkuth is represented by the sigil of AGLA on the reverse side of Sigilum Aemeth, being the name pronounced at the North/Earth angle in the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram. 

The seven names between the outer heptagon and the heptagram are "Names of God, not known to the Angels; neither can be spoken nor read of man." They are derived from this tablet by reading the rows from left to right, and are placed in clockwise sequence around the Sigil. In the Angels' view, the derivation shown here is the reverse of the truth. Rather than the planetary angels producing these god-names, "these Names, bring forth 7 angels: the 7 Angels and Governors in the heavens next to us". Thus the Sigil, from its outer ring to its center, represents a descent of power from God into the world.

Between these God-names and the Planetary Archangels in the Sigil stand four additional ranks of beings.

Even though they are outside the Archangels (and therefore presumably superior to them) it seems that they are in some way the:-

"Children" of the Archangels:

"Every letter of the Angels' names, bringeth forth 7 daughters.

Every daughter bringeth forth her daughter, which is 7.

Every daughter-her-daughter bringeth forth a son.

Every son in himself, is 7.

Every son has his son, and his son is 7."

The names in these groups are derived from the tablet by taking the letters diagonally as shown in the diagrams below.

There are two different versions of the Enochian Alphabet with one script slightly different from other.

The first version is found in Dee’s Manuscript, the first five Books of the Mysteries , and the second, and generally more accepted version, is in Liber Loagaeth , the latter being Kelley’s original drawings. 

The script is written from right to left, and may include accents. 

The Enochian letters have English letter equivalents with some of the letter names pronounced as they would be in English, but many are pronounced differently. 

The alphabet is used in the practice of Enochian Magic on Angelical or Enochian Keys. 

They were received through Edward Kelley in 1584, in Krakow, Poland. 

That year he wrote into his diaries a series of nineteen magical incantations. 

The Keys comprise 48 poetic verses and correspond to various functions within the Enochian Magic system. 

They are given in the original Enochian Language, and a Modern English Translation, based on John Dee’s Old English versions.

Due to the loss of parts of John Dee’s original manuscripts, interpretations have arisen regarding the meaning, validity, and authenticity behind the Enochian language. 

Some magicians have asserted it is the oldest language in the world, predating all other human languages.

In some circles it is considered among the most powerful strains of magic and is a method of contacting intelligences from other dimensions.  Detractors have pointed out that the syntax of Enochian bears a strong resemblance to English, Dee and Kelley’s natural language. 

Such similarities include the word luciftias, a term meaning “brightness,” which bears a connection to Lucifer, whose name means Light Bringer.” Londoh, the Enochian word for kingdom, might just represent Dee’s connection to his royal patron, the Queen of England. 

Computer analysis have also shown Enochian to have a grammatical relationship to English. 

Texts in the Liber Loagaeth demonstrate phonetic features that do not appear in natural languages. 

The phonetic features are associated more with glossolalia, or speaking in tongues.    

Table salt: Though it lacks the glamour of the more exotic salts, plain table salt generally works just fine.

Contrary to popular belief, Kosher table salt is not blessed by a Rabbi, and therefore has no “extra” magical properties. In that sense, it’s no better or worse than “regular” table salt.

sigillum dei aemeth