Map 2:      1965  1:25,000 OS map of Horbury Lagoon Wakefield

Last year (!st July 2017) we conducted our own private paranormal investigation, and the first full paranormal investigation of the murder site of the Elsie Frost Murder. The video above shows the Investigation solely using the Structured Light Sensor camera, with amazing results and capture of spirit figures, who responded intelligently with our questions and requests.

We have left posting our full investigation as this is still a live police investigation. An investigation of which we believe is surrounded in conspiracy and being conveniently covered up by West Yorkshire Police, and conveniently for West Yorks Bungling Police force, now have an easy out, since the death of the "Beast of Wombwell" - Peter Pickering. Who died in jail after being prosecuted for the rape and murders of two women in the south Yorkshire area.

Elsie's murder doesn't even fit the M.O (modus operandi) of Pickering first raping and then killing his victims.

We believe that it was Myra Hindley who committed the murder of Elsie Frost, by a chance encounter that went quickly wrong, which Hindley in a panic, killed Elsie. So what brought us to this conclusion/theory of outs?

We believe that after Manchester police released Hindley later on Thursday evening 7th October, Hindley on the Friday of the 8th October went to hers and Bradys workplace to destroy and or remove any evidence that may incriminate them.

There are no known movements of Hindley on Saturday 9th October, and Sunday 10th October, Hindley was arrested for Murder on Monday 11th October 1966.

Police officers had retreived the suit cases that Brady had put into luggage storage at Manchester train station in an effort to conceal evidence of there murders, the tape recording of Leslie Anne Downey's torture, rape and murder with Myra's voice heard on the tape was the crucial evidence to police that put Myra not just at the scene, but as a participant in Lesley's  horrific ordeal, murder and disposal of her body on Saddleworth moor.

So with nothing to do, and perhaps to stay out of the way, Hindley took her car and drove to Yorkshire, perhaps, even across the moor on the A635, past the other burial sites, to ensure they were not being disturbed or looked at by the police?

She went to or ended up at or near Horbury Lagoon in Wakefield and parked her car and then watched the sail boating on the Lagoon.

Remember that the M1 wasn't even built back in 1966, and the two lakes that are here today were once one big lagoon prior to being split into two lakes when the M1 flyover was eventually built later on. See map 3 for detail.

She would have seen Elsie leave with her friends to return home, and took the opportunity when Elsie took the decision to walk home alone on a different route to that of her friends.  (See map 1),

Myra followed and probably even spoke to Elsie, like she had with her other abductions, perhaps she asked Elsie to help her look for a lost glove as well?

Elsie refused, as she had to get home, and no doubt woe be-tied her getting in late for her tea!

As Elsie turned her back to walk away, Myra no doubt in panic of being recognised later once the news of Brady would no doubt be in the papers, she may have thought that Elsie could tell police of the woman from the pictures in the newspapers that she too had been approached by Hindley, and could have been another victim had she not agreed to go with Hindley, just as Keith, John, Leslie Pauline and John had agreed to go back with them, and panicked, Hindley then stabbed Elsie 5 times, so Elsie could not tell, and was possibly disturbed by Thomas Brown who was out walking his dog with his children, and made off to her car and headed back to her mothers home in Manchester along with the murder weapon.

West Yorkshire police never found the murder weapon, (a knife). Not surprising if it was Myra who had committed the murder!

Our investigation continues, and we are uncovering more of the story as we dig deeper into the case. 

We will update this page more as this investigation unfolds. So don't forget to subscribe to our web site to keep updated.

Map 4:     The 1965 OS 1:25,000 map of Horbury Lagoon and the Lupsett estate locations

the sls tapes


Map 3:     2018 satellite overlay of Horbury Lagoon Wakefield



Map 1

This map indicates the location of the ABC bridge and the route in green that Elsie took to save her new shoes from getting muddy.

Her friends traveled along the blue route back to the Lupsett estate.

I have enlarged and orientated the map for ease of use.

 1965 OS 1:25,000 map